What adds extra zip to lessons? What ignites more engagement with academics?
Arts in the Classroom! Blending arts with academics will energize your learners.
When we say ‘arts in the classroom,’ we’re talking about a process following the theory and practices of arts integration described by the Kennedy Center’s Arts Edge. To quote, “[We] begin with the assertion that arts integration is larger than an activity. Rather, arts integration is an approach to teaching that is embedded in one’s daily practice.” Read about the power of arts integration in this PDF file.
But wait – I already have too much to do! We know the massive amount of curriculum materials a teachers must consonantly apply. We know the hundreds of things that pull on a teacher’s attention daily. The last thing we’d want to to is give teachers one more thing to have to do.
It’s why 1, 2, Let’s all Groove is built around the Arts Edge arts integration model. Because it gives tools and advantages to teaches by complimenting what they already have to do. In essence, tools to make existing requirements have more pop and grab…and when students get lit up, a teacher’s job is easier.
With zero previous musical experience, teachers will immediately be ready to use rhythm in their classroom to energize and inspire learning. Our training makes it easy and our books give you the tools you need for years of rhythm games and activities for learning.
Arts Integration for students:
• Develops Understanding
• Provides Authentic and Personally Meaningful Learning
• Reveals Students’ Potential
• Builds Cooperation, Collaboration, and Confidence
• Helps Teachers Reach Every Student
• Provides a Sense of Ownership
• Impacts Children, Families, and the Community
Learn more about the power of arts integration and find lesson plans for many subjects!
Contact us today, we’ll show you how to bring the power of rhythm to your classroom.