Sustain inspiration and let creativity open doors for learning and engagement.
Our passion is sharing the power and joy of interactive rhythm with students. And, they love it! Let us bring the experience of 1, 2, Let’s All Groove to your students.
Imagine the impact of a week-long opportunity to learn to play rhythms and learn about the children, cultures and geography from which they come. Imagine the impact of a week-long opportunity work in collaboration as a rhythm ensemble – to practice active listening, cooperation, respect, teamwork, and share the joy of performance.
In addition to our assembly programs, we offer exciting week-long residencies. Our spirited facilitators visit classrooms or music rooms, with a kit of percussion instruments – enough for every student to play. The residency incorporates and deepens the full spectrum of learning: Character Education (Social and Emotional Learning – SEL), and Multi-Cultural Awareness/Appreciation. And, it offers opportunities for students to gain practiced skill in playing various instruments, learning specific rhythms, and the cultural background. The residency usually completes with a performance.
Character Education fosters ethical, responsible, and caring young people by modeling and teaching good character through an emphasis on universal values we all share. It is the intentional, proactive focus on values such as respect for self and others, responsibility, integrity, and self-discipline. Character Education, closely related to SEL focuses on:
Trustworthiness | Responsibility | Fairness | Caring | Cooperation
Sessions typically follow this outline, modified to meet the session time, and needs of the students learning levels/skills:
Intro: A Kinesthetic Song
As the name suggests, kinesthetic songs are accompanied by movement – dancing, clapping and/or stamping and/or – best of all – energetic full-body movement.
Warm Up: Percussion Activity
Warm up activities serve the areas of social-emotional learning (SEL) and character education, build listening skills and rhythm awareness. For younger players (4-6yrs), the activity might be extended to become the core of a rhythm session.
Rhythm Core: Community Jam or Rhythm
This is where the drums come out for learning a specific rhythm (or where students develop leadership learning to facilitate a jam). We continue the integration of character education and SEL.
An important step, including vital reflection. This time is used to name (reinforce and reflect on) positive social-emotional behaviors.
Infuse the learning power of rhythm in your school with a week-long residency!
Our residencies is available nationally for groups of 60 participants per training and it’s always school budget friendly!
Contact us today to schedule a residency.